
Dottorato in Terapie Avanzate e Farmacologia Sperimentale

AA 2021/22 - XXXVII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
CAPPELLO Martina VINCENZI Fabrizio Molecular mechanism of action of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields in osteoarticular cells
FAIELLA Marika BOVOLENTA Matteo Development of new non-viral vehicles for innovative therapeutic strategies in the personalized medicine of neuromuscular diseases
FIELDS Matteo RIMONDI Erika Identification of innovative molecular and cellular targets for the development of anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor therapies
FRANCO Elena PARMEGGIANI Francesco Application of genetics and histopathology to the diagnosis and treatment of corneal diseases
FURIOSI Luca BUSIN Massimo Graft survival factors and immunological rejection in lamellar keratoplasty
NIGRO Manuela GESSI Stefania A new strategy to combat Alzheimer's disease through adenosine A2A receptor antagonism
(Szebeni Gabor)
Residual disease in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
AA 2022/23 - XXXVIII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
ADAMO Ginevra Giovanna BUSIN Massimo New formula for IOL calculation to improve refractive outcome of cataract surgery associated with keratoplasty
ANTONICA Bianca TISATO Veronica Genomics and epigenomics in complex human pathologies
ASCIERTO Alessia RIZZO Paola Identification of new cellular and molecular markers for personalized treatment of aortic valve calcification
CIARMATORI Nicolò BUSIN Massimo Outcomes of repeat endothelial keratoplasty
CORLI Giorgia MARTI Matteo Evaluation of the gender response to the pharmaco-toxicological effects of New Psychoactive Substances: in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies
DE CHIARA Marica NERI Luca Maria Study of epigenetic mechanisms in experimental models treated with pharmacological and nutraceutical active ingredients or environmental pollutants
MANZA Francesca CAIO Giacomo Pietro Ismaele Effect of gluten-free diet on gut microbiome composition in patient with Celiac Disease, non-celiac wheat sensitivity and healthy subjects
PIERANTONI Marina BERTAGNOLO Valeria Study of the role of Vav1 protein in the differentiation of pancreatic beta cells
SPAMPINATO Michele Domenico DE GIORGIO Roberto
PASSARO Angelina
New analgesia techniques in the patient with chest trauma in the Emergency Department
TRAVAGLI Alessia MERIGHI Stefania Caffeine and antagonism of A2A adenosine receptors: a new strategy to reduce the cognitive impairment of Alzheimer’s Disease
TURATO Elisa TISATO Veronica Health and disease in individual Aging: a synergic OMICS based approach
VERARDI Filippo Maria CAMPO Gianluca Calogero Angio- vs. microcatheter-derived FFR in procedural planning of complex PCI
AA 2023/24 - XXXIX ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
ANCONA Pietro BIANCHI Nicoletta Omics and biomarkers in the personalized treatment of cancer
ANGELINI Sharon SERGI Domenico Nutraceutical modulation of adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles and their metabolic effects on skeletal muscle insulin resistance: a molecular and clinical study
CAGLIONI Serena CAMPO Gianluca Calogero Standardizing the management of patients with coronary microvascular dysfunction: the SAMCRO trial
CANDELORO Raffaella CASTELLAZZI Massimiliano Multivariate approach to the use of biomarkers of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
CHRISTODOULOU Shoufani Raimy RIMONDI Erika New morphological and ultrastructural methodologies for the microbiological safety of transplant tissues
COCCO Marta CAMPO Gianluca Calogero Multimodal imaging and percutaneous treatment of aortic stenosis
DE RAFFELE Martina BERTINI Matteo Physiology and clinical benefits of stimulation of the cardiac conduction system
DE RUVO Valentino BUSIN Massimo Design and development of a bioengineered hybrid device for transplantation
DELL’AIRA Marcello BERTAGNOLO Valeria Study of the potential anti-tumor role of allium sativum extract in invasive breast tumors with different phenotypes
GRISAFI Miriana TISATO Veronica Epigenetic tuning and stem cells for the development of regenerative medicine strategies
GUADAGNO Ludovica VARANI Katia New therapeutic strategies based on the adenosinergic system in anti-tumor immunotherapy
GUARINO Matteo DE GIORGIO Roberto Comparison between capillary and serum lactacidemia in the evaluation of the short-term prognosis of the septic patient
KILIAN Raphael MURA Marco Design and validation of devices for improving transplant outcomes
MARCHINI Federico CAMPO Gianluca Calogero Cardiology multimodal imaging and ventricular resynchronization treatment
POMPEI Graziella BERTINI Matteo Innovative therapies for the treatment of cardiac amyloidosis
PORTO Francesca UCCELLI Licia Targeted radiotherapy with CuCl2 for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis: preclinical study of the therapeutic efficacy of radionuclides 64Cu and 67Cu
ZOVASIO Francesca BOVOLENTA Matteo Creation of modified isogenic cardiac models for the study of mutational survivorship bias for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
AA 2024/25 - XL ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
BASSI Marta MARTI Matteo Evaluation and correlation of the pharmacokinetic profile and pharmaco-toxicological effects of new psychoactive substances
CALDON Filippo GESSI Stefania Looking for novel biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease
CASTALDO Fabiola PASSARO Angelina The postprandial phase and the determinants of the progression from insulin resistance to complicated type 2 diabetes
MANFREDINI Marta MARCUZZI Annalisa Development of molecular and cellular targets for innovative anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor therapies
MOLA Gianmarco CERVELLATI Carlo Blood-based biomarkers in neurological diseases
PIAIA Moreno PONZIN Diego New methods of preservation of ocular cells and tissues for transplantation
PEPE Filippo LOMBARDO Luca Development of orthodontic appliances using digital design and 3D printing techniques for the treatment of malocclusions in growing and adult patients
REGINATO Mariano PAPI Alberto Biomarkers and clinical markers in the response to treatment of severe obstructive respiratory diseases
TALONI Andrea BUSIN Massimo The application of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmological Research
TERRANOVA Chiara SECCHIERO Paola Innovative immunological therapies for chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
ZAULI Enrico MELLONI Elisabetta Identification of new cellular targets and innovative therapeutic strategies for the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases

Dottorato in Medicina Molecolare

AA 2021/22 - XXXVII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
DE FRANCESCO Francesco ZAVAN Barbara Tessuto adiposo come fonte di molecole e fattori biologici applicabili nella chirurgia
TRENTINI Martina ZAVAN Barbara Esosomi vegetali quali nano strumenti innovativi nella medicina traslazionale

Dottorato in Scienze biomediche e biotecnologiche

AA 2021/22 - XXXVII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
SEVERI Paolo RIZZO Paola Caratterizzazione del crosstalk tra Notch e Wnt in modelli cellulari umani 3D altamente predittivi dell’apparato cardiovascolare
TERRAZZAN Anna VOLINIA Stefano Apprendimento profondo nello studio dei megadati genomici e a singola cellula per la medicina di precisione nei tumori solidi

Dottorato in Scienze Mediche, Omiche e Oncologiche

AA 2022/23 - XXXVIII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
CHIANESE Diego ZAVAN Barbara Utilizzo della tecnologia cmf nella cura del piede diabetico e nella riduzione delle amputazioni non traumatiche arti inferiori

Dottorato in Neuroscienze traslazionali e Neurotecnologie

AA 2021/22 - XXXVII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
CANTO Rosario CAVALLO Michele Alessandro System for the acquisition, visualization and analysis of intra / epi cortical signals
MONTICELLI Matteo DE BONIS Pasquale Sviluppo di procedure semplificate patient- tailored mediante ausilio di realtà estesa (virtuale/aumentata/mista) in Neurochirurgia
AA 2022/23 - XXXVIII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
PAGANI Anselmo ZAMBONI Paolo Misurazioni innovative dell’asse cuore cervello per monitorare gli astronauti durante i voli spaziali e successive applicazioni sulla Terra della tecnologia sviluppata
AA 2023/24 - XXXIX ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
BALDAZZI Giulia ZAMBONI Paolo Sviluppo di sistemi automatizzati o robotici per valutazioni vascolari

Dottorato in Scienze per l'Ambiente e la Salute

AA 2022/23 - XXXVIII ciclo
Dottorando Docente Tutor Titolo Progetto
POZZA Elena MELLONI Elisabetta Approcci molecolari innovativi per la veicolazione di farmaci e il potenziamento della loro efficacia terapeutica